The xPeria X10i recently was provided a most welcome update to Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread). Having run for almost a year previously on Android 1.6 this was almost unexpected in its swiftness of delivery. As with any updates there is a worry about losing data. I backed...
OK, I now have 2 smartphones that I dont like. For one I have the iphone – this is a beautiful and well crafted piece of technology for sure – easy to use and well supported by the apps. I also own a Sony Ericssson xPeria x10 which has the following...
Well, I have contacted HTC on numerous occasions of late offering to swap my iphone for an Android phone and finally they have replied…. If they do, I will change my name to Android most likely and even wear their TShirts.
Well I was recommended the HTC Hero by a lovely Mel at Orange upgrades ( over the Samsung HD Omnia ) and I am forever in her debt. The Android powereed phone is like a natural progression into the area of cloud computing. I had already made forays into this via...